Sunday, January 10, 2010


So The weekend is nearly over and I have to go back to the job I cant stand tomorrow :( Yup feeling sorry for myself lol. Anywho I got bored yesterday and went shopping whoops hehe I took some pics of my new duds - sorry they arent very clear im still getting the hang of my new camera! Im so sick of all my friends working in the weekend - makes for me being alone all day for two days when I should be out doing stuff!! GAH. My boy is gonna talk to his boss this week about getting at least Saturday off so hopefully that goes ahead soon, another friend is getting one sunday off a month so bring that on! Anyway Im gonna try and relax and just chill out on my last day of holidays......nothing wrong with chillaxing I guess and I refuse to spend more money as this year I promised myself I would save, save save!
New stuff: - Skinny Jeans - Tempt
White Top (so cute pic doesnt do it justice!) - Valley Girl
Pic of skirt - Same white top, Skirt from Supre and heels from No1 shoes
My outfit for today:
White singlet - Supre
Black singlet - Supre
Purple high waist skirt - valley Girl
Pantyhose - Farmers
Sandals (unpictured) - cant remember lol
Earrings - from a friend
Headband - Stole of me mummy haha
Since I'll be back at work I wont be able to do outfits everyday since i wear a lame uniform but i'll try my best to put cute outfits on after work! hope you all enjoyed your holidays, back to reality now!

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