Friday, February 18, 2011

Fruitful Trees

Yup, thats how I roll there is a fruit tree behind me and that is my title, yup. Anywho yay its Friday! So over work for this week and looking forward to a full weekend of stuff lined up. I hope the weather is fantastic too would just top the weekend off.

I really loved wearing this outfit, Im still in love with this skirt, there is so many different outfits you can do with it, Ive already got another one I really want to wear but havent had a chance yet. Hope you all have a great weekend, hopefully I will catch up with you all on Sunday and fill you in on what I get up to :)

Shoes, Rubi - Tights - Farmers, Skirt - Shanton, Top - complete mind blank sorry hehe

Borrowed the bf's aviators for something different :P

and for the blooper shot - anyone know what Im doing? Cos I dont!

I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind comments lately I really appreciate it :) I must go now as I have a killer headache, it should be illegal to have headaches on a Friday night :( Have a great weekend all xxx


  1. Cute clothes, very fit and styling on you, you look great:)


  2. I love those aviators! Never give them back, they suit you so much.

  3. Thank you very much everyone :) haha not sure the bf would like that Anna - very tempting though! xx

  4. Cuuute outfit! I love your necklace!!

    KF x


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