Monday, August 15, 2011

Snow Day Take 2!!

Hi Lovelies, well we have had another snow storm here in Christchurch....oddly enough the first one was Sunday night/Monday morning about 3 weeks ago ohhhh freaky haha. No work today as roads were covered in snow so another snow day spent chilling at home! It was super cold, thank god this time we had a heatpump to crank! We went for a drive this afternoon and it was -1 degrees out crazy. The weather is supposed to continue to be cold and crappy till at least Thursday....I reckon its going to snow again overnight, it has been on and off today so lets see if I make it to work tomorrow.

This is what I rugged up with today:

Skirt - Supre, Tights - Farmers, Boots - Number 1 Shoes, Jacket - Trademe

Its snowing! I had to get some live action pics hehe

This storm is the worst to hit NZ in a long time its bought snow to places in NZ that very rarely get it like Wellington and Auckland even! Hope everyone in NZ is keeping warm and super jealous of those who are enjoying summer!

Happy Monday xxx


  1. It's ridicously really isn't it?! Hopefully it will stop soon.
    What did we do before trademe? There are many good buys on there.
    LOVE those boots by the way <3

  2. Fingers crossed! haha I dunno you can get awesome buys on there if your patient eh! Thanks hun xx


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