Friday, June 1, 2012

Half Way/Dots, florals & Lace/Europe!

Hi Lovelies! So I have a few things to touch on today and my outfit is rather busy so I couldnt decide on a I suffed a bit of everything in there haha.

Firstly my outfit, bit of floral, some polka dots and some lace thrown in for good measure, I like it! More after the jump -

Skirt - Trademe, Top - Supre, Belt - Trendz, Boots - Cotton On

Now Europe you ask? Wellll Ive wanted to travel the world since I was a lot younger and it just hasnt happened - well no more! Ive been saving and I have now paid for a booked a trip to UK and Europe in September. This time in 3 months I will be in London! I am going with my Mummy as the bf cant afford to go, I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo x infinity excited. We will be staying in London for 4 days then heading on a 14 day tour of Europe ending in 3 nights in Paris before flying home. If anyone has any suggestions/tips etc for London or Paris that would be fab!

I also thought as its the first of June I should run over my new years resolutions and see how Im going (plus that means its 12 days till my Birthday teehee)

1. Continue to work on relationships, make new friends, be as social as possible. Still working on it but not doing to bad if I do say so myself!

2. Sit another 2 Insurance papers and continue to do well in my current position - I can only sit another one this year but I have started!

3. Save Save Save! - Have been and will be saving hard for the next 3 months for shopping $!

4. Get another Piercing - Ideas people?? Looking to do this VERY soon ;)

5. Travel overseas again - Check mate bring on September!

6. Look at Laser Eye surgery again and see if I can fit it in between travels - Hmmm probably wont be able to afford this - next year perhaps.

7. Get a Link computer and re-tune for my car - again probably cant afford this this year.

8. Continue to hit the gym at least 4 times a week and work harder on my portions and eating healthier  - Doing well at this although my eating can still improve stupid sweet cravings grrr

9. Start doing Pilates or Yoga - Which is better? I get bored easily and Im not into meditationy type stuff haha - I have done one class which incorporates both, going to my second tonight :)

All in all Im doing pretty good! Are you sticking to your resolutions?

Happy Friday Lovelies, have a great weekend xxx

P.S. Dont forget to check out my first Vlog in my last post!


  1. I didn't make any New Year's resolutions, although perhaps I should have! 1) 3) and 8) are definitely things I need to work on as well. and lol I get bored easily too! I do running instead of pilates and yoga because I'd rather tire myself out in a shorter period of time. hope you have fun in your class :) let me know how it goes!

  2. Ysy, well done for sticking with most of your resolutions!

    You got that skirt on TradeMe? Love it.

    You're going to have such an incredible time in Europe!

    I'd definitely recommend the hop on hop off buses, especially in Paris - it'll take you to all the things you really have to see. So even though I didn't get to spend as long as I wanted to I did get to see most of what I really wanted too (except the moulin rouge, wish I'd gone there but hey, next time)

  3. Hi sweets thanks for your lovely comments


  4. you look great in polka dots <3


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