Monday, August 13, 2012


Sooooo as you may know I am going overseas soon for 3 weeks. I have been to Australia before but I dont count that as its so close and fairly similar in alot of ways to NZ. So basically Im going on my first overseas trip. I am going to London where I'll be for 4 days, then doing a 14 day tour of Europe including Holland, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Germany and France. We end in Paris where we are for 4 days also.
Im getting SUPER excited and just a crazy feeling that Im going to be in all these foreign countries including alot that dont speak english! Carazay eeeeek. Anywho so If any of you are from any of these countries or have been and have any tips or must sees please let me know! Or even if you have general travel tips do let me know, Ive never been on a long-haul flight before....kinda freaking about that aspect haha. 
Some Inspiration: 


18 more sleeps to go!


  1. Yay for you!! :) hope ya have an awesome time :) all I can suggest is dress comfy for the plane - I always get cold feet so I take socks heh :)


  2. that's awesome, we are sure you are going to like Europe! we are from europe so we can tell.
    have a nice trip!



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