Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Camo & Leopard

Hi Lovelies, another rainy, cold miserable day here geez what a crappy start to winter haha. I ordered my first order on SheInside the other day, I hope everything fits etc, has anyone else purchased off there before? How did you find it?

I cant believe its June already, but that means its my birthday month yay! I am having a wee get together this Saturday to celebrate me being another year closer to 30 haha, might do something on my actual bday too :)

This outfit is from awhile ago obviously haha, subtle mixing of prints with the camo top and leopard heels. I wanted a red skirt and found this one for cheap on Boohoo, Im not completely sold on the way it sits though...

Camo Top - France
Skirt - Boohoo
Heels - Cotton On
Happy Tuesday Lovelies xxx


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