Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 - The year of all Years!

Hi Everyone, The past few years I have made some resolutions, but this year I want to do something a bit different. After breaking up with my partner and finding myself single for the first time in a long time I've started to get to know myself a lot better and I am slowly learning to love myself and find out what I want out of life and who I want to be. My journey at the moment is all about life changes, positivity, emotional and mental fulfilment and being happy - as my tattoo says - NO MATTER WHAT.
Essentially a lot of this:

Last years resolutions were certainly a challenge with a breakup but I still did pretty well:
1. Spend more quality time with the people that mean the most to me - I'd say I did this :)
2. Be more social - make at least one new friend - Done!
3. Sit another Insurance paper - and pass! - Unfortunately my work announced we are all being made redundant this year so I didn't do any more papers...
4. Excel at work and try for another promotion  - see above, unfortunately not gonna happen!
5. Travel - already booked a trip to Thailand in April and I want to do more getaways within NZ - Managed to do a bit of travel within NZ but not as much as I would have liked
6. Get to my goal weight and maintain, continue with gym and healthy eating - step it up a notch! - For some reason in 2013 I managed to understand food and my body a bit better and I have reached my goal weight, however I can still eat much more healthily & I want to tone up :)
7. Try new things - first up - Pole dancing me thinks! - I tried pole dancing, went to kickboxing and Burlesqercise classes! More to come this year
8. Do more pilates/yoga - Yup
9. Get a pet  - Nope :(
10. Buy a house/Save save save!!!   - Not gonna happen, life has changed now!
11. Stop spending so much and sell clothes I dont wear - Yes, created a Store
12. Still want to look at re-tuning my car and laser eye surgery but this depends on funds! - Sorted my car whoo hoo, laser eye surgery will have to wait, still want it though!
So due to a few changes in my life Things were a bit up and down last year, however I am determined to make 2014 the year that is all about me and my journey with myself - as cheesy as that sounds. I feel looking back that I was trapped in a way in my relationship. I now feel free, I have wanted to travel my whole life and I have settled for a few weeks here and there, but no more!! This year I am taking my redundancy and embarking on a journey to UK, Europe and Australia and I have NO IDEA what I'm doing, who I'll meet, how long I'll go for and where I will end up when I run out of money.....it is scary yet exciting and as much as it may be out of my comfort zone to jump into something so unknown I know I HAVE to do it.
I still have a long way to go before I am 100% happy and a lot to work through as everything is still very fresh and its taking me longer than I had hoped to get used to being single - and be happy being single. I hope you all follow along on my journey as I think 2014 will be a cracker!
Happy Tuesday Lovelies xxx


  1. I am so glad to hear about your achievements in 2013! getting out of a relationship can be very difficult and takes a LOT of courage and constant inner strength. but I'm so glad you can see the freedom and positivity being single can also bring, and i hope you use it to your advantage to achieve even more great things in 2014 and the years to come.
    thanks also for the lovely comment on my latest blog post! <3 I'm glad that it inspired you a little! :) your post has inspired me too!

    Metallic Paws

  2. Adorable post honey! Thinking positive ;)
    Happy 2014
    Have a sweet day.
    The Indian Savage diary

  3. You did a really god job with you resolution in 2013.. So many resolutions are already sorted and I amen really difficult ones too , like weight management..
    Wish you all the very best for 2014
    Keep in touch,


I love hearing from you and I always try my best to reply to your lovely comments on here or your blog xx